Ole Ask live heashot hatt 2018-08-21 at 12.08.37 AM.jpg






Olé Ask is a one legged (The Pirat) singer-songwriter and he´s got 14 albums out working on the 15th. He´s been working his music basically in Minneapolis, Los Angeles and Houston and Norway but he started out in Toronto 1993. And since then been traveling from East to the West, North to the South of USA, However never moved permanently to the States. Olé Ask also a voting member of the Grammy Awards and a was judge at the Norwegian Spellemannsprisen (Grammy) 2023

Olé Ask and Yellow Cabs

Olé Ask has 14 albums out so far and they have received pretty good reviews world wide, he also co worked on 4 albums for other artists, as a musician and a producer.

As an artist Olé has been working with legends like Waddy Wachtel, Richard Bosworth… Waddy played on albums like It’s Been A While and Jade Stone

Name dropping: Waddy Wachtel, Bruce McCabe, Lorelei McBroom, Al Ortiz, Phil Jones, Michael Bland, Paul Warren, Connie Olson, Mark Andes, Berton Averre, Richard Bosworth, Paul Litteral etc. These elite musicians has been working with bands and artists such as.

Rolling Stones, Rod Stewart, Stevie Nicks, Tom Petty, Prince, Bob Dylan, Spider John Koerner, Bryan Ferry, Keith Richards, Spirit, Heart, The Knack, Pink Floyd, Madonna, Johnny Lang, Linda Ronstad. 

Olé Ask and Yellow Cabs has been playing Norwegian venues like John Dee, Kafe-K, Herr Nilsen, Lundetangen, Drammen Teater, etc.


Olé Ask er en, en-bent singer - songwriter (The Pirate) han har utgitt 14 album og jobber med det 15 som blir et Blues album. Ask har største delen av sin musikk-karriere jobbet i USA 23 år frem og tilbake hovedsakelig til Minneapolis, Los Angeles og Houston, men startet i Toronto 1993, og ellers har det vært i fra øst til vest, nord og sør, han er også Grammy Awards medlem med stemmerett, Ask flyttet aldri permanent til USA. Har også vært dommer i to kategorier i Spellemannsprisen 2023

Olé Ask and YC 

Etter 23 år frem og tilbake med musikalsk base i USA er han permanent i Norge fra 2016, hans 11 album har fått svært gode kritiker. Han har også medvirket på 4 album inn og utland, Olé har også hatt med seg den legendariske gitaristen Waddy Wachtel på sitt album It´s Been A While, og legenden Richard Bosworth

Vokalist og låtskriver Olé Ask har hatt med seg mange musikere på tidligere utgivelser som har jobbet med Rolling Stones, Rod Stewart, Stevie Nicks, Tom Petty, Prince, Bob Dylan, Spider John Koerner, Bryan Ferry, Keith Richards, Spirit, Heart, The Knack, Pink Floyd, Madonna, Johnny Lang.

Har jobbet med: Grethe Svensen, Kim Fairchild, Kari Iveland, Bent Bredesen, Finn Tore Tokle, Eivind Kløverød, Sine Frødin, Francesco Puddu Hygen,Jan Rokne, Henning Remme, Frode Skinstad, Frank Ryghaug, Per Edward Helling, Waddy Wachtel, Bruce McCabe Lorelei McBroom, Al Ortiz, Phil Jones, Michael Bland, Paul Warren, Connie Olson, Mark Andes, Berton Averre, Richard Bosworth, Paul Litteral etc.

Olé Ask and YC har en besetting med lang fartstid i norsk musikk og røtter i americana. De har spilt på steder og klubber, John Dee, Kafe-K, Herr Nilsen, Lundetangen, Blues´n i Horten, Drammen Teater og support for Hellbillies på Tempelseter-festivalen.


Olé Ask - vocal/gitar/harmonica

Jan Rokne - gitar/vocal

Per Edvard Helling - trommer/vocal

Francesco Hygen Puddu - bass


Official Spotify Playlist

Foto: Lars Kristian Moberget, Christine B Asker, Jonette Novak, Roger Hennum, Nina Djaerff

Guru U

Find your inner self with meditation whether it is in the nature or in a room. Relax and breathe, get relief from all tension, calm your body and mind. 
Music without words can help you into a state of calmness, help you relax and sleep.Peace, love and well being.
Thank you for listening 🙏🏼

Guru U

¨Only you can control within you, don’t let others plant a seed of anger for nothing.¨

^Most lightly our spirit will live on in an other dimension, and it is important and try to be good and do well to others. So your afterlife will be pleasant.¨

¨It is good for you to move out of your comfort zone whetter it is physical or mentally. You never plant the same seeds to long on the same field, you need to change to get a good harvest¨

¨Be rightful, honest, good and loving. I WISH GOLD RINGS ON YOU¨

“In the big picture there is a lot of small pictures”